Buckets-n-Bytes is designed for young people to have a thoughtful and disciplined introduction to computer coding as producers rather than just consumers. Participants attending select Game Over NYC events receive clinics, drills,and participate in competitive games for 45-60 minutes. They are then directed to our Computer Lab at Brooklyn StuyDome (or to a special tent during our road shows) for an introductory demonstration of the coding process. We teach participants the fundamentals of computer coding, as well as how they can leverage their acquired skills to achieve life and career goals.

Also available:

Buckets* - n - Bots (Introduction to basketball and robotics.)

Buckets* - n - Beats (Introduction to basketball and digital music production.)

Buckets* - n - Biz (Introduction to basketball, financial literacy and entrepreneurship.)

*Buckets: the art of scoring in basketball “getting buckets” or “I get buckets”

Contact us by filling out the form below.

Indoor coding instruction

Buckets-n-Bytes can be incorperated in any school or after school setting.

Basketball instruction

Basketball instruction is indoors and outdoors.

Outdoor Coding Instruction

Buckets-n-Bytes is a mobile program.


Booking Intrest Form